Lithops also known as Living Stones are fascinating little succulents in the ice plant family, Aizoaceae. Natives of the driest areas of south Africa, they live their low-key lives. The name is derived from the Ancient Greek word (líthos), meaning “stone”, and (óps), meaning “face,” referring to the stone-like appearance of the plants. Their natural habitat is arid, rocky areas which is why they evolved such a clever camouflage to protect themselves from browsing herbivores (herbivores are animals that only eat plants). They are one of the most unique houseplants you can grow and there are so many different variety of Lithops. The markings and leaf colour of each species and variety depends on the environment it evolved.

Growth Cycle:
Flowering phase: Most Lithops need to be at least 3 years old before they'll flower. They usually bloom sometimes between late Summer through Fall. After their flowers fade, they begin growing a new plant beneath the outer leaves and it won’t be visible. Through winter and into early spring, the new plant continues to grow while the outer leaves begin to wrinkle and shrink. The new leaves subsist solely on the water and nutrients from the old leaves, and for this time, the roots are basically put out of service.
When the new growth becomes large enough, the outer leaves begin to split and dry out until the new plant fully emerges. Roots that dried out are replaced by new roots. Depending on the climate, Lithops in hot summer settings may go dormant or partially dormant until its time to flower again.

General Care:
Light: 3-5 hours of bright light, preferably direct, and as many more hours of bright indirect light as you can provide. The light needs to be bright in order to reach the chlorophyll safely stored deep down inside the subterranean leaves.
Soil: Fast-draining potting soil combine with stones. In a container deep enough to accommodate their long roots. And have ample drainage holes (clay pots are recommended).
Water: When the soil thoroughly dry. (For more information on watering please visit “Sucs For You!” channel

Growth Cycle and General care credit : “Sucs For You!” channel
Written by: Maryam Koochaki (maryam@jj.team)